Sunday, November 30, 2014

November 30th-Playing

Today was all about playing. Ella loves to use people as her human playgrounds. But can also give some pretty good snuggles. Here she is playing with Daddy and Nana.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

November 29th- Christmas is Coming

Ella and I made some Advent Calendars that featured her. Okay so yes they are the 25 days of Ella, I'm a new mom get over it. But we needed to deliver Nitsa's to her so we dressed up and went over. Plus it has been 4 days since Nitsa had seen Ella and she might have been going through withdraw. As you can see Ollie was dressed for the holiday season too. 

Friday, November 28, 2014

November 28th- Sauced in Livermore

Today we went wine tasting and out to lunch in Livermore. Ross was our guide and it was a beautiful fall day. We went to a BBQ restaurant called Sauced for lunch. Ella ate so much pulled pork that I was shocked she didn't explode. The kid can put it away.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

November 27th-Thanksgiving!

What a wonderful day. Nana and Grandpa and Uncle Doug are here visiting and Uncle Ross and Gigi and Helen and Roach and Fred and Betty all came for dinner. It was a grand time with lots of good food and good wine and good beer and good dessert. AND don't forget a giant chocolate turkey! Thank you Fred.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

November 26th- 9 Months Old

9 months old. It is really amazing to me that 9 months have passed with Ella in our lives. I can't believe that so much time has passed already. She is fun and silly yet serious and totally an observer. She loves to know what is going on and be in on the action. Life is one big adventure and everything is there to be pulled up on. Ella is a fast crawler and on the verge of walking. She loves music and dancing and even has some of her own moves. She is a little mommy centric when she is tired these days, but still loves everyone else too. She eats anything. I don't think we have found something that she doesn't like yet and it is so fun to see her try new things. Ella is spending entire nights in her own crib and only wakes up once in the night. She is confused about what morning is and sometimes requires a mommy and daddy snuggle at 5am. But thats really more about us and not her :)

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

November 25th- Hungry Girl

Man I am impressed with that she can put down these days. Dinner is a long process and the sheer about that is consumed it amazing. She grabbed this piece of bread while I was putting her in her seat. She did eat the whole thing over the course of dinner. 

 Post Dinner bath with Uncle Doug. 

Monday, November 24, 2014

November 24th- Tea Party with the Wiita's

Sara, Ryan, Quinn and Campbell are down from Seattle for Thanksgiving. Today we visited with them and walked to downtown Palo Alto for Tea and Macaroons. It was a grand tea party for all of us. 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

November 23rd- Silly Silly

Today was a day of silly silliness. Daddy and Ella are having way too much fun with the new tude. Ella is a very good sharer. 

Baby girl tights come in all sorts of fun styles. Matt really enjoyed saying that Ella had a Bear Butt today. (So Punny) 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

November 22nd- Walking in the Rain

It RAINED today for most of the day. Beaker is not a fan of going out on his own in the rain so a walk is mandatory. Ella woke up at 6 this morning and Matt got up with her. They let me sleep for another hour or so and then I took a shift so Matt could take a nap. Ella's new (used) stroller came with a rain tent so we went for a walk. Beaker and I got really wet. Ella was so cozy and dry she fell asleep. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

November 21st-Showing off for Betty!

Betty is my (Patt's) former neighbor and we still stay in touch.  She just couldn't imagine baby swimming lessons so she came with us this week to watch.  'Not one kid cried!' she said amazed.  But she did tell me she held her breath every time Ella put her face in the water!

Ella not only held her breath but actually put her head down and reached for the teacher every time it was her turn to swim.  She must have been showing off for Betty!

All that hard work took it's toll. It was a deep nap time today.  This is the picture we sent to Julia to let her know that Ella was peacefully asleep!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

November 20th- Christmas Sneak Peek???

Today I worked on taking some pictures for a present that Ella will be giving people for Christmas. Hummmmmmm what could it be? Her two top teeth also broke through last night. She now has 4 teeth.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

November 19th- Tunnel of Fun

We have cut swim lessons down to once a week for the winter so Gigi and Ella had some extra time on their hands today. They went to Gymboree class instead and came home with some great new toys. Ella loves the wiffle balls because she can get her fingers into them. The bonus is Beaker is totally not interested in them. The tunnel was great fun for all three of us. Matt had a blast playing with it when he got home too. Ella does like to climb into the middle and make it her personal fort.