Saturday, February 28, 2015

February 28th- The 1st Birthday Party

Bubble Birthday Party. We had a great party today to celebrate Ells turning one. We had family and friends large and small come and play with us. Good times were had by all. We had a ball pit as indoor bubbles and a foaming bubble machine (thank you Ross' house.)

Friday, February 27, 2015

February 27th- Daredevil Returns

Maybe it was the dress that slowed her down yesterday, maybe she was just good behavior for the birthday but today the crazy girl is back. This is what Matt captured while they were hanging out this evening. Pop Pop says it totally reminds him of me.

February 26th- HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY!

Today Ella turned one. It was such a fast year. She has accomplished so much in a year. I wish I still had the capacity to learn and develop like that.

Ella started her birthday with a walk with Daddy and Beaker. It was a little cold so she had to wear a hat this morning.

Nitsa then picked the Birthday Girl up and took her to her house for a grand breakfast of french toast, strawberries and yogurt. 

I picked Ella up and we went to Picture People to have a little photo shoot. Those will be a separate post.  Gigi and Great Grandmom crashed the photo shoot and we all grabbed some lunch. Ella was so tired she fell asleep at lunch and took a 2 hour nap. We had a little dinner party for the Birthday. We let Ella open presents before and after dinner. 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

First Birthday Photo Shoot

February 25th- Ball Pit Preview

Tonight we were getting ready for the party on Saturday a little bit. I wanted to make a ball pit for the party. Dry bubbles was my thought. The children's consignment store even had the balls so I didn't have to buy new ones. We had a great time playing, I'm excited for the party. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

February 24th- Helping Cook Dinner

Ella is always helpful while I am cooking. For awhile now I have been giving her her own pot and spoon so she can cook on the floor while I cook dinner. She was playing with the pot for awhile tonight and then disappeared to the other side of the counter. A moment later I looked over to check on her and there she was standing in her carseat. Sigh..... She is fearless and wants to be tall. So I put the carseat outside. Grabbed baby and her and brought her back to her cooking. I looked over and there was Baby in the pot. Now I will admit to flipping Baby over so she was not head down in the pot. It was too hard to tell in the pictures what Ella was cooking while Baby was head first in the pot. This really shows how much Ella loves putting things in and taking them out right now. You can amuse her for hours by having her fill and empty a box.