Sunday, August 31, 2014

August 31st- Cabin Life

Another day at the cabin. Cabin life is rough. So many people to play with and so much to do. The day started off nicely by sleeping in with Daddy.

It was a little cool in the morning so we had to sport some layers.

 Ella missed the boat ride because she took a nap but Daddy had a nice time out on the Sound.  When Ella woke up she was joined by Ellis. Ellis is two days older than Ella. They mostly checked each other out and tried to eat each other. I think they were having secret baby conversations about how crazy this place was. 

Violet is in love with Ella and she gave her about a million hugs. Here they are holding hands while swinging. (P.S.- Nana and Grandpa we would like one of these swings at the Cottage. Thank you.)

Dinner on Labor Day Sunday is always a BIG Seafood Boil. The babies always get put in the pot before the cooking beings. This year we put three babies in the pot.




Saturday, August 30, 2014

August 30th- Seattle Friends

This morning we took Quinn and Campbell to gymnastics before heading to the cabin. It was Campbell's first time taking classes after watching Quinn take them for weeks and weeks. She was VERY excited. It was adorable.

We got to the cabin at lunch time and the Cole boys were waiting. The highlights of the afternoon were checkers, swings and mustaches.

Friday, August 29, 2014

August 29th- Off to Seattle

Today we woke up early headed to the airport and hopped a plane to Seattle. We are visiting the Wiitas and hanging out with the Coles too.

This airplane ride was perfectly scheduled for a nap.

Post nap there was some quality window watching and flirting with anyone who would look at her. 

When Quinn and Campbell came home from school they were VERY excited to play with Ella and brought her all sorts of toys to play with. Songs were sang and LOTS of love was given. 

We decided to go out for dinner and all squeezed into one car. Three carseats in the middle row and Matt and I squeezed in to the back. I wish I had a video of Matt getting in and out of the back of the car. It was amazing. 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

August 28th- Granny Nanny Texts

Day 4 of working and it was really hard to leave this morning. But I did it. Luckily I was sent all sorts of picture texts.

Taking naps without Mommy has been a learning experience for Miss Ella this week. They are trying not to let her get over tired and melt down before sleeping but it has been a challenge. Sleep sheep is often the answer. It is hard to resist the calming white noise of sleep sheep. Most of the time he wins.

This is what it looks like when sleep sheep wins.

And post nap deserve some cucumbers.


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

August 27th- Too Cute for Words

OH MY she is so cute! That is all there is too it.

Napping with GiGi

Hanging with Mommy

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

August 26th- Look Who Stands Up

Day two of working. It was not too hard to leave and go to work but it was way better to come home and get to see my snuggly faced girl. After a little nap we played on the sofa and while sitting in my lap she grabbed my shirt and hoisted herself up. It seems to be the only place she will do it right now but it's getting dangerous around here. We better finishing baby proofing soon.

The video isn't the best because the moment you set the camera up it is all that Ella will look at. But you get the gist of it.

Monday, August 25, 2014

August 25th- Off to Work Mommy Goes

Today was my first official day back at work. There were no tears on either of our sides so I am really proud. We woke up nice and early and had a little hangout time before GiGi came and picked Ella up.

We took some selfies to entertain ourselves.

Jean is still visiting and got to go shopping and out to lunch with them today. Ella enjoyed a meal of a bottle and a green bean. Jean and GiGi had burmese food.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

August 23rd- Playing with Jean

Jean Spencer is visiting from Southern California. Jean was like a second mom to me in high school so we are calling her Grand Jean. We had a lovely afternoon catching up and playing with Ella and a fablous dinner at GiGi's house. 

Friday, August 22, 2014

August 22nd- Last Day of Summer Break

The last day of summer break. Today is the last day of summer and our last day of ladies who lunch. So to honor that we went out to a fancy italian lunch and to the book store.  Ella had a great time too and fell in love with the dancing penguin. Listen for her giggling in the video but GiGi is laughing so load it is hard to hear her sometimes.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

August 21st- Being Popular is Hard

Having a fan club is rough. Especially when they ask you out to breakfast. Ella was asked out by the swim babes and she was excellent breakfast company. She passed out on the way home.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

August 20th- 6 Month Check Up

Today was Ella's 6 month check up. She was tired and very upset for parts of the appointment but it was okay. She just shy of 20 pounds and 27.5 inches, putting her in the 97th and 95th percentile. No wonder my arms and back ache. We came home from the doctors, took and good nap and woke up a happy girl.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

August 19th- Sippy Cup

Ella loves eating and drinking anything you have, which makes life really interesting. We let her drink from one of our water glasses sometime last week and it is a fun sight. She sucks on the rim of the cup, but she does get sips and swallows. So we decided it was time for a sippy cup. This one is part cup part bottle. You have to really suck to get the water out. She loves it.

Monday, August 18, 2014

August 18th- Mirror Baby

Today we are recovering from Retreat. It is also the last Monday of summer vacation. With that in mind I figured I should know what the state of my classroom was. It has not been my room since Jan 23rd so I thought I should know what needed to be done next week. It wasn't too bad at all. I'm super happy. Ella had a nice time visiting all her Mid-Pen friends. Maybe she can just skip strait to high school this year and go to school with me. :) After school we went over to GiGi's to say hi and Ella got to play with the baby in the mirror. She really likes the baby.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

August 17th- Another Day at the Ranch

Another day at the Ranch.

There are some fun swimming pictures that need to go here but I can't find the camera cord so be sure to check back soon to see them.

We did go wine tasting and on a lovely drive when we left the ranch.